Call to take strike action – Mon 24 Nov

Branch News Branch Secretary Pay UNISON News

London Ambulance UNISON

Call to take strike action

24th November 2014

Dear UNISON Member,

I am writing, as Branch Secretary, to call on you to take strike action again in line with our national NHS pay dispute strategy.

We had a very successful turnout on 13th October 2014 and I am confident that we can have an even better impact and show of solidarity at our next four hour strike:

Monday 24th November 2014

07.00 – 11.00

For the rest of the week members shouldn’t work unpaid overtime.

UNISON calls on all members to join the action.

Exemptions and ‘Life and Limb’ cover arrangements will be decided in due course with the Service and sent out to every station and workplace.

This is not a dispute against the LAS, but against the unfair, divisive pay policy of the Government. We have to have our voices heard.

This is a serious call to action and I hope as many UNISON members will support it.

If you are not on duty come in and support the picket lines.

We need to send a message to the Government that we all deserve better and fairer pay.

More information will be sent out soon.


Eric Roberts

Branch Secretary

