General Secretary Election

Branch News UNISON News

The LAS UNISON Branch has nominated Dave Prentis for General Secretary.

What does the general secretary do?
The general secretary is the principal officer of our union, the face of UNISON in the wider world and the voice that speaks up for you. That’s why it is so important that you have your say in electing our leader.
General secretary election 2010
According to our rulebook and trade union legislation, UNISON has to elect its general secretary every five years.

Everyone who is a member as of 17 February 2010 has the right to vote in this important election – that includes retired members.
Who are the candidates?
The following have been confirmed as candidates in this election. Their names are listed below in the order they will appear on the ballot paper and in the election address booklet. A draw was held to determine the order:

# Roger Bannister, Knowsley Branch: nominated by 31 branches

# Dave Prentis, General Secretary: nominated by 371 branches, 11 regional councils, 7 service groups and the National Executive Council

# Paul Holmes, Kirklees Branch: nominated by 52 branches
How do I vote?
Ballot papers will be sent to members’ home or other notified address in writing. Members will be provided with a pre-paid envelope for the return of the ballot paper to the independent scrutineer. All voting is by post.

Members not on the UNISON central membership system on 17 February 2010 will not be eligible to vote in this election.

If you don’t receive a ballot paper or have another query, please contact our ballot helpline on 0845 355 0845. Lines are open 6am-midnight Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm on Saturday. The textphone number is 0800 0 967 968.
Key dates
17 May: Despatch of ballot papers
24 May: First point at which a replacement ballot paper can be requested
8 June, 12noon: Last point at which a replacement ballot paper can be requested
11 June, 5pm: Deadline for receipt of ballot papers
18 June, 5pm: Deadline to lodge written complaints and supporting evidence with Electoral Reform Services (contact details on right)
22 June: Results announced

The successful candidate will take office on 1 January 2011.
Ballot papers
The ballot pack consists of:

# A covering letter from the deputy general secretary
# A booklet containing the candidates election addresses and a full list of nominating bodies
# A ballot paper
# A return envelope

Where members have previously requested (via the RMS) materials in a special format (eg large print), they will automatically receive the ballot pack in that format. Any additional requests should be made to the ballot helpline.
Election queries
Contact the Member Liaison Unit at UNISON head office in Mabledon Place on 020 7551 1312 or email

General secretary ballot notification
(10/05/2010) Notification of ballot and candidates