Joint Statement – Annex E – 3 Jan 2014

Agenda for Change Pay UNISON News Unsocial Hours

Joint Statement between NHS ambulance Trusts in England and UNISON, GMB and Unite

On 3 January 2014 employers and trade unions met and discussed:

  • Data comparing illustrative payments under Annex E and Section 2 unsocial hours payments systems, using the most common rota patterns worked by the majority of ambulance staff, and assuming an indicative, average level of sickness absence.   Further joint analysis will look at:
  • Additional rota patterns including 10 hour, 24/7 and non 24/7 rotas;
  • Case studies based on job roles; and the number of employees affected:
  • Progress so far and what still needed to be done between now and 1 February.  A pause in the series of joint meetings was agreed to allow time for joint preparation of draft material, including further analysis, which would be discussed at a joint meeting to be held over two days, on 23 and 24 January:
  • What more data was needed on sickness absence, and in particular absences which were directly related to injuries sustained by employees while at work.  This would include data on sickness absence in the rest of the NHS and in other sectors:
  • A draft set of joint principles to underpin further discussions which will be agreed following consultations within each trade union.

The next joint discussion will be by telephone on 10 January, when progress in making preparations for the meeting on 23 and 24 January will be reviewed.
