This month following the success of a local newsletter in the South West sector, we have launched a new service wide newsletter. This month we have also launched this our brand new website that we hope you enjoy. Paper copies of the newsletter are being distributed around the service now so keep an eye out for a copy in a messroom near you.
If you don’t get a chance to see a copy or if you just prefer digital, then you can download an electronic copy here.
[testimonial name=”Eric Roberts” gender=”male ” company=”Branch Secretary”]London Ambulance UNISON Branch takes communicating with members very seriously. We know it is important for you to see what your representatives are doing on your behalf.
We are only strong in our negotiations with management because we know we have you behind us.
We have our Website which I recommend that you view regularly as that will update you on current local and national issues.
If you are on Twitter then follow us on @lasunison and of course visit our Facebook page.
All these ways of communicating are there so we spread our news around as best as possible to as many members as possible. But I know that sometimes there is nothing like having a Newsletter in your hand, in front of you, to read whenever, and wherever you want. I hope that you enjoy it. Your comments on the design and contents would be welcome.