Mileage Rates Increased

Branch News

It was agreed at the Staff Council meeting on 1st July 2008 to increase the rates of allowances by 10% in Annex L in the NHS Terms & Conditions Handbook, as set out below.

UNISON and other unions had asked for an immediate uplift of 5 pence per mile on all rates, pending the completion of the mileage allowance review. The management side had initially refused to offer any increase at all but negotiations have now resulted in a 10% increase. This consolidates the increase issued as guidance in January to increase the two lowest regular user rates by 10% (but not on other rates), which was not implemented by all organisations.

These increases now constitute a collective agreement and a pay circular will be issued along with amended pages of the Handbook. This will be a permanent uplift of Annexe L of the Handbook with effect from 1st July 2008 and will continue until a new scheme of mileage allowances is agreed. The review should be completed by the end of 2008 and branches will be consulted on any proposal before it is agreed.

Click here for further information and full rates