Agenda for Change Pay UNISON News

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Because your pay matters to you, it matters to UNISON.

You have told us you are angry about the insulting pay cuts and freezes being imposed on you. So now we believe it’s time to take action.
If the government gets its way only those at the top of their pay scale will get the 1% increase recommended by the independent Pay Review body – everyone else gets nothing.

But your bills keep going up and your work pressures increase Even if you do qualify for the 1% it will not increase your hourly rate so your overtime or unsocial hours payments will not increase.

It’s no wonder you tell us you feel demoralised, demotivated and angry.
But don’t just tell us – tell the government by voting; YES for both strike action and industrial action short of strike in response to the two questions in the UNISON pay ballot.

Health Ballot 2014 – Vote YES Leaflet

