Branch News Health & Safety

At LAS UNISON we are fully aware of the concerns of our members, with regards to social distancing and the Governments advice with regards to this, especially following the consolidation of stations and the drop in call rate.

We have been proactive in obtaining better working conditions, and at the same time ensuring our members are protected sufficiently at all sites across London.

I have formally written to the head of the Health & Safety Dept asking for the Risk Assessments related to the consolidation Plans be shared. We are still waiting for them!

Following the Corporate Health, Safety and Well-being meeting last week, a Working Group has been set up by Tricia Bain, titled ‘Working Safely with CoVid’, of which Marcus Davis ‘UNISON Senior Sector Representative’ and myself have been invited to, representing UNISON Members.

This is to look at how social distancing measures and improvements to facilities can be implemented, in line with the Government Guidance.

I will be asking for existing Risk Assessments to be shared, and where necessary new Risk Assessments be carried out, with staff side engagement and input at the outset of these meetings.

These meetings will be on a weekly basis starting this coming week, and both Marcus and I will feedback the outcomes.

In the meantime, please stay well and remain safe.


Paul Stewart

Health & Safety Officer


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